Something baffles me, and yet I see it over and over. People claim to hold certain beliefs, yet they belong to and support organizations which distain their beliefs and promote those things they profess to despise. How can people do this, I wonder? Do they really have no true beliefs at all, or do they put loyalty to an organization before their own sense of right and wrong?
I had a conversation with the pastor of a mainline Christian denomination. He claimed to be conservative and had, in fact, resigned a long term as pastor at one church when the congregation had asked him to hold a same sex wedding. The denomination to which he belongs finds nothing wrong with same sex marriages or homosexuality despite the strong Biblical support of marriage as being only between a man and a woman and the repeated admonitions throughout the Bible that the practice of homosexuality is a sin. In fact, that particular denomination welcomes homosexuals and transgenders in leadership positions in the church and even homosexuals in the pulpit. This pastor, who claimed to believe the Bible’s teachings on those matters, still claimed that he “loved the denomination” that blithely dismisses God’s commands, and he encouraged his congregation to send generous offerings to the central office to be used to further their liberal and unbiblical agenda. How, I wonder, can he reconcile his supposed personal convictions with the convictions of the church which he “loves” and supports so whole-heartedly? How does he imagine that God views his hypocrisy?
And is he leading his congregants into sin by getting them to contribute to these causes?
And what, then, of the millions of Christians in America who claim to be followers of God and the Bible but who “go alone to get along” as the saying goes? Are we so immersed in our modern world that we no longer actually believe what the Bible says? Or do we not even know what the Word of God teaches?
Genesis 5:2 clearly states, “He created them male and female, and blessed them, and called them Mankind in the day they were created.” Male and female. Not multiple genders. Only two. And multiple scriptures throughout both the old and new testaments align homosexuality along with murder and adultery as sins: Leviticus 18:22, Leviticus 20:13, 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, and 1 Timothy 1:10. Paul spells it out clearly in his letter to the church at Rome when he writes:
24 Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25 They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.
26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error. (Romans 1:24-27).
Then, too, most Christians also are either pro-life or at least want some restrictions on abortion. They recognize that a fetus is in fact a human child, an innocent soul, in need of protection and not to be murdered (an act forbidden by one of the ten Commandments) for the convenience of a mother as a method of birth control. Neither would the vast majority of Americans, Christians or not, wish to see a child aborted late in a pregnancy and then, if it survived the abortion, left untended, to die on a cold metal tray in a sterile operating room, its tiny fists clenched and its little face screwed up against the cold.
Why then, do countless so-called Christians who claim to hold to the Truth of the Bible which condemns homosexuality and confirms only two sexes created by God (and reinforced by nature as we have only male and female horses, male and female dogs, male and female cattle, male and female birds, male and female spiders , even male and female plants, and on and on)—how can these people hold fast loyally to an organization which supports the very antithesis of what they claim to believe? Or if they do not believe in unlimited access to abortion up until the moment of delivery, why support a political party that recently tried to pass a bill codifying exactly that into law?
Like the minister I spoke to who loved his denomination and clung loyally to it although it taught things which he claimed not to believe and which the Bible expressly condemned as sin, these “Christians” vote election after election for Democrats who celebrate homosexuality, promote anti-Biblical sexual education as early as kindergarten in public schools, invite drag queens to schools and libraries to perform for little children, and push young children to mutilate their bodies and take drugs, the effects of which we will not know of for years, in order to change their sex from male to female or female to male— a biological impossibility. That they are ruining their lives in the process is of no importance to the Democrats, for they see them as another voter block to celebrate and protect for their votes. Meanwhile irresponsible doctors and hospitals are making truckloads of cash from these poor “transgenders,” as is the media.
If you didn’t like fishing, you would not belong to a fishing club. If you didn’t like to read, you wouldn’t join the “Book of the Month Club.” If you don’t like what the Democrats stand for, why do you keep voting for them? Have they so convinced you that Republicans are Satan? Do you really not understand that people who can support the things that the Democrat Party supports, who can lie as Democrats have lied— about the Russian Hoax, about Trump’s taxes, about Hunter Biden’s laptop not being Hunter Biden’s laptop, about January 6 being an armed insurrection, on top of the myriad lies that Biden tells almost every time he steps to a mike—do you really not understand that people like this will lie to you about everything?
It is time to join those who stand up for what they believe in. It is time to vote for those who believe as you believe, even if they are Republicans. The Democrats booed when God was inserted once into their platform in 2020. The Republicans always have God in their platform, numerous times. If you truly are a Christian, consider this phrase, attributed to Edmund Burke but more likely originating with John Stuart Mill: “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” We, as Christians, cannot stand by and do nothing, and we certainly cannot continue to vote for those who openly and enthusiastically promote multiple sexes, transgenderism, homosexuality, and abortion—all contrary to God’s teachings. We cannot be loyal to God and to those who promote sin both. As Matthew points out in chapter six, verse 24, “No one can serve two masters; for either he will dislike one and like the other, or he will attach himself to one and think slightingly of the other.”
It is time for all Christians to do as Joshua demanded of the Israelites and “Choose this day whom you will serve,” (Joshua 24:15). If you choose the Democrat Party over God, how exactly will you explain to Him when you stand before Him that you could have voted for those who fought against sins of immorality and murder, but you chose not to? How will you explain that you could have stood up for Him and for His laws, but you chose blind loyalty to a political party instead of loyalty to God? Will He say, “Well done, my good and faithful servant”? Or will He not say instead, “I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness!”