According to Pew Research, in 2018 –– the latest figures I could find— only 36% of Americans attended church every week and at least 29% never attended at all, this in a…
Russ and Jane Witmer are educators and world travelers. Russ holds a Master of Arts degree in History and has taught history, political science, economics, and world civilizations on the middle school, high school, and college levels. Jane has a Masters of Science in Education with a double major in English and French and a Masters of Arts degree in English. She has taught English, French and composition in high school and college. They have traveled in fourteen European countries and in communist Czechoslovakia, as well as in Israel and Thailand.I have a bone to pick with liberals. They tend to lump “white people” in the United States together as if we were all the same. But we are not. Those of us…
The travel industry has coined new terminology for their industry and for the rest of us, a whole new batch of words that we cannot use or words we must…
With all the (deserved) criticism of Joe Biden in his first seven months as President, I decided to present the alternative view of his tenure in the Oval Office. Following is…
In Sunday school class last week, a visiting preacher made a comment that I found somewhat disturbing. Because it was said in passing in the midst of a class discussion which…
Countries in the world have been divided into categories since the beginning of the Cold War Era when French demographer Alfred Sauvy wrote “Three World’s, One Planet” in 1952, an article that divided countries into…
We here in ‘flyover country’ have long been ignored by the national media. If ever mentioned, it usually is in some kind of denigrating manner, somewhat like a former President who…
If you read any news source this morning, you would think the country is, according to the old saw, ‘going to a Hell in a handbasket’. It reminds me of the…
The United States is not a theocracy. That statement cannot be refuted, for the Founding Fathers made sure that religious liberty and freedom of conscience were building blocks of our republic….
In the past century and a half, America has had its share of political crazies. Mostly they were of the loony left (a phrase not known then) and mostly they were…