Our country is in turmoil.  While millions of Americans still love this country and still understand it to be the best country in the world, others see only its flaws, flaws which they have exaggerated and judge, not in the context of the time in which they happened, but by today’s standards.  In a country, which in a world study was ranked as one of the least racist countries in the world, and in which only 4% of Americans said they would not vote for a black individual for president, the Left and the Democrat Party they have made their own, charge racism in every aspect of life.  They claim that white people are born as oppressors of other races and that other races are their victims.  They argue that no black person can get ahead in this country, ignoring the myriads of wealthy and influential blacks who have done just that —including Supreme Court Justices, a president and a vice-president.  

But all of this is an attempt simply to divide the country, to set people against one another, so that they can rise as the protectors of the victims and thus take power, subjugating the rest of us, no matter our skin color, because if we are not in their elite group of power-seekers, we are nothing.  To them, the Constitution and Bill of Rights, even the Supreme Court have no meaning unless they are useful to their plans. They have filled colleges and even public schools with their adherents, and reporters are nearly all Democrats, making it difficult for Americans to get any information other than socialistic propaganda.

The Pandemic, has been a welcome tool to them.  They have used our fear of dying to control us, even when they knew the virus had a survival rate of between 95% and 99.75%.  99.75 percent!  And for that they ruined lives, disrupted our economy, and kept us in a state of abnormality for a year and a half, with no guarantee of normality in Democrat states on the horizon.  And, blaming the pandemic and the restrictions advised by Dr. Fauci and the CDC unfairly on President Trump, they were able both to swing voters to their side in the presidential election as well as to make it nearly impossible to conduct fair elections in most states with their “pandemic voting measures.”  

And so, a president* was “elected” who suffers from dementia, and of whom President Obama’s Defense Secretary, Robert Gates said, “I think he has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.”  The White House refuses to let him take questions during most press briefings and cuts off his mike when he tries to do so anyway.  He appeared to fall asleep during an on-camera first time meeting with the Prime Minister of Israel.  He announced that if Republican governors wouldn’t force mask mandates and vaccine mandates that “I’ll use my power as president to get them out of the way.”  Sorry, Joe, that’s not how it works in this country unless you plan to become dictator!  But that would be difficult for him.  He is no leader.   He is a puppet whose strings are pulled by others.  But his apparent distain for his country lies not with him alone nor with his puppet masters.  He is bad for America.  But he is not alone.

College students in Florida when asked how students should be taught about 9/11 said that American exceptionalism shouldn’t be mentioned, nor should the fact that it was Al Qaida, a group of Muslim extremists, who murdered the nearly 3,000 people.

Jenn Jackson of Teen Vogue wrote “It’s twenty years since 9/11 and I’m still really disturbed by how many white pundits and correspondents talk about it.”  Really? That was the first attack on the U.S. mainland since the Battle of 1812 and it killed white people, brown people, black people and yes, even Muslims who all worked in those buildings or who were rescue workers attempting to save the victims. Almost nothing is a black and white issue except in your silly little mind, Jenn!

In Democrat-controlled California, you can shoplift nearly $950 worth of merchandise and the police will not arrest you because it is now a misdemeanor.  Thieves walk off with hundreds of dollars-worth of things which they then sell at street markets.  No one stops them.

Nearly half of the homeless people in the United States squat in California.  Now, California is not the only state that is warm most of the year, but it is the only state where city officials allow the homeless to park themselves on city sidewalks, urinate, defecate, leave used needles and other trash for city residents to navigate through. I don’t understand why Californians put up with it, except, of course, that none of these people sleep where the wealthy and influential people live and shop! Watch out, America!  California is what the entire nation will become if Democrats have their way!

Democrats now demand “equity” for whites and non-whites, meaning  equality of outcome rather than equality of opportunity.  That means that a well-educated white student and a poorly educated black student must both be afforded entrance to the same Ivy League College and the curriculum dumbed down so that the poorly educated student doesn’t flunk out.  The problem, of course, is that Democrats are keeping black people in drug-ridden, gang-run neighborhoods with failing schools.  They defund the police in the guise of protecting those same people, leaving them to the mercy of the gangs, and refuse to allow the parents to send their children to better schools as Republicans would like to see done.  Then the non-white students would indeed have the same opportunities as the white students, having obtained a good education.  But the Democrats insist on keeping them on the city “plantations.”  So, if you fly American Airlines, for example, and one of the pilots is black, you don’t know if he is piloting that plane because he is an excellent pilot or just because he is black.

Myriads of Democrats have broken the law from Hillary Clinton to the top echelon of the FBI, IRS, and CIA, but none of them has been prosecuted.  Scores of BLM and Antifa rioters were arrested during the looting, burning, and murdering that the media chose to call “mostly peaceful demonstrations” in the summer of 2020. But for most of them Democrat prosecutors dropped charges and even Democrat members of Congress bailed some of them out of jail.  Yet, a mob of unarmed Trump supporters entered the Capitol building on Jan. 6, some ushered in by police through the front door, some dressed in costumes, some grandmothers taking selfies of themselves, Democrats dubbed it an “armed insurrection” and “an attempt to overthrow the government” and hundreds were arrested and charged, some with attempting to disrupt the business of the Congress which apparently is a felony with a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison. No one bailed them out.  No one dropped the charges, not even for grandmothers who were taking selfies and nothing more. Nothing was set on fire.  The Capitol wasn’t burned to the ground.  Innocent bystanders were not beaten up, and the only person who was killed was a female veteran, unarmed like the rest, who was shot by an excited policeman. Law only applies to Republicans and Independents.  Democrats and their minions are exempt.

Nikole Hannah-Jones from The New York Times decided that the United States as a country began in 1619 when a few black slaves were sold to a southern planter.  She then posited that the sole reason for the American Revolution had nothing to do with “No taxation without representation!” but with the fact that the British were going to make the southerners give up their slaves.  Multiple historians have debunked her 1619 Project as pure fantasy, and for good reason.  Slaves produced tobacco and cotton more cheaply than hired hands, allowing Great Britain to obtain the goods from the Colonies for less.  They encouraged slavery in all of their colonies.  Some of the slave ships were even British.  In fact, Great Britain didn’t finally abolish slavery in most, but not all, of their colonies until 1833.  By then, the fledgling United States had won its independence in a war begun in 1776, written a Constitution and Bill of Rights, and fought a second war with Great Britain in 1812.  Only 30 years after Great Britain abolished slavery in most colonies, the new nation on the American continent engaged in a Civil War that ended slavery in the country that was not even a century old.  Yet school districts across the country are teaching this false 1619 Project as the true history of the U.S. to their students.

Democrats are struggling with wording when it deals with transgenders and abortion.  A transgender man (who is, of course, still a biological woman) can have periods and even become pregnant by a transgender woman (who is really a man).  (Is this getting confusing?)  Thus, do they talk about “women’s rights,” when some seeking an abortion might claim to be a man?  Yet how do they call them “birthing peoples’ rights” if the whole idea is NOT to give birth?  Don’t you love it when they tie themselves in knots with their own stupidity!

I once asked why Democrat were Democrats.  Someone answered, “Because they are the Party of science.”  Except, of course, they are not.  Science tells us that transgenderism is really a farce since it is impossible to change a human’s entire skeleton, the size of his or her lungs and heart, his or her DNA (which determines sex) and the intricate sexual organs in their bodies.  Yet, Democrats claim this impossibility is a fact and that we must accept it as such.  And in some places, parents are fined for not facilitating their child’s gender change or school children and teachers are punished for using the wrong pronoun for little Billy who is now supposed to be called Sally.

Nor do Democrats, the media, and the bulk of government entities pay attention to science when it comes to mask mandates. Scores of studies from around the world and in the United States show that masks do not protect people from COVID or any other virus.  Yet the CDC ignores these studies, some of which they published themselves, as well as the statement by the FDA that surgical masks protect against blood splatter and bacteria, but not microscopic viral particles.  They are ignoring the science in order to exert control over what used to be a free people.,

Most recently, Biden has announced that COVID booster shots will start becoming available by September 20. Unfortunately, the FDA has not yet had time to collect and view data as to whether or not these shots are either necessary or safe. Marion Gruber, director of the FDA’s Office of Vaccines Research & Review, and deputy director Phil Krause  tendered their resignations in protest.  In fact, a new review by a group of scientists including both Gruber and Krause from the FDA say that boosters might not be needed at all. “None of the data on coronavirus vaccines so far provides credible evidence in support of boosters for the general population,” the review states, according to The Times. What is the job of the Food and Drug Administration again?  Oh, determining the safety of food and drugs.  Well, Dr. “gain of function” Fauci, whose grants to the Wuhan lab in China gifted us with this virus, no doubt knows best, right?

An almost sixteen year old girl, who obviously knows nothing ,posted the following on Sept. 11:

“We memorialize an event that happened five years before I was born, resulting in 3,000 deaths, and lifelong prejudices against Muslims while there’s no memorializing our 660,000 COVID death and little prejudice against those exposing and infecting others. Please tell me why.” 

I’ll tell you why.  660,000 is an overblown number.  Many of those people died of other causes and just tested positive for COVID before cancer or an accident killed them. Even now, over half of children admitted to hospitals as COVID patients were admitted for other reasons and then tested positive for COVID at the hospital. Before there were tests for the virus, the CDC said every death in which the patient “might” have symptoms of the virus should be counted as a COVID death.  At first, in New York, according to morticians, every single body brought to them was identified as having died of COVID. That is statistically impossible! In addition, people die of disease all the time.  675,000 Americans died of the Spanish Flu after WWI.  635,260 people die of heart disease each year!  What are we doing to prevent those deaths?    Another 598,038 people die each year from cancer.  And 161,374 die each year in accidents, but we haven’t banned cars and ladders.

As for prejudice against Muslims, it was Muslims who committed that atrocity, Muslims who commandeered airplanes with innocent women and children on them and flew them into the Twin Towers and the Pentagon to kill them all in a massive fire ball, Muslims who believe that non-Muslims have no right to live, Muslims who murder homosexuals, Muslims who keep women covered from head to toe and refuse to let them go in public except in the company of a male family member, Muslims who have carried out almost every terror attack in the United States since 9/11 and numerous horrendous attacks in France and other countries as well.  Do a little research before you write your tweet, child.  And most of all, grow up!

Myriads are moving from deeply blue states to red states to escape high taxes and horrible conditions such as in California.  And yet, California’s governor handily fended off a recall attempt with 63% voting to keep him in office. It is hard to understand such mentality.

The Left has infected academia, the media, and the government and they hate America and Americans.  Americans who still love our country must stand up for her and for our rights before this wonderful land of freedom becomes another Cuba or Venezuela.  We are well on that downward path!